February, 2019

ICSFS 27X faster with Oracle Exadata

ICS BANKS® software suites future-proof banking activities by providing a broad range of features and capabilities with more agility and flexibility, to enrich customers’ journey experience, hence improving the trust and confidentiality between the customer and the bank. ICS BANKS® has always been a pioneer in utilising the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud.

With no room for doubt, this benchmark demonstrates how ICS BANKS® high performance benefited from its own unique design and architecture for on-line, end of day and digital channels. As demonstrated by the workload testing described in this paper, ICS BANKS® Universal Banking solution running on Oracle Exadata servers, sets a new standard of scalability and proofs viable solutions for the largest banks.

Running ICS BANKS® from ICSFS on Oracle hardware is packaged as one complete solution with best-of-breed technologies, to provide banking solutions that address today’s industry challenges and demands in the most cost-effective way, while offering the agility to respond to the business and technology opportunities of tomorrow. ICSFS and Oracle provide a complete integrated end-to-end solution that is easy to deploy, with ongoing maintenance and address scalability without complexity. The results of this benchmark are the highest achieved up-to-date, as no public available benchmark of this kind is known to provide higher performance.

Discussing how ICS BANKS® and Oracle Exadata accelerate core & digital banking, and revolutionize end-of-day banking processes; Ghassan Sarsak commented:

We wanted a platform that helps our customers to support their growth plans, consolidate their databases whilst still reducing their cost and achieving the highest levels of business performance.

– Ghassan Sarsak, CTO & CIO of ICS Financial Systems.

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